
Lacan floating signifier
Lacan floating signifier

This is a depiction of a situation in which those who are below the frontier of power have a series of demands which are unmet, and though their demands are different from one another, those who have these differing demands come to see them as equivalent and form a group under the articulation of one particular demand which comes to stand for opposition to X. These particular demands are arranged in an equivalential series by the emergence of the hegemonic signifier, the universalization or emptying of the hegemonic signifier is represented by the lines stretching from the oval to the chain of Os. The oval which is raised above the Os is the empty or hegemonic signifier, the arrow shows its origin from a particular desire or demand. The O’s below the frontier are the oppositional desires or the demands of those who are below the line. It can also be the ruling class within a society. The antagonistic frontier can be said to be power, the X is sometimes a government. The X represents those on top of the frontier.

lacan floating signifier

This is a simplified depiction of the moment of hegemony.

Lacan floating signifier